This message implies that your client machine is not properly configured.
Was this very same machine with the very same kernel working last week?

I don't know what the service smb is. If you mean smbd, it doesn't have
much to do with mounting shares from other servers.


On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 02:11:45PM -0300, michelld wrote:
> Hi all 
> I am having trouble with my SMBFS and it is the following 
> Every time I try to connect to other machine in my network, throught the command 
> MOUNT, the folowing ERROR appears. I've already tried to see the manpage but i had 
> not success. 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin] mount -t smbfs //sarq/c /mnt/windows
> Password: 
> ERROR: smbfs filesystem not supported by the kernel 
> Please refer to the smbnt (8) manual page 
> smbmnt failed: 255 
> I want to remember that service smb is running and last week, it was working 
> properly. 
> Please i need this help
> I get very please about your attention. Thanks a lot 
> Michel Luiz 
> Ola Jardel
> Tudo bem ? 
> Como escrevi acima, estou tendo este problema ao tentar montar uma maquina da minha 
> rede em minha estacao devido aparecer este erro acima. Só que a semana passada 
> estava Ok. 
> Ja consultei o man e nada 
> Se vc souber, por favor me ajude. 
> Desde ja agradeco. 
> Att
> Michel Luiz 
> -- 
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