Server is PII-350MHz/256 MB RAM, hardware mirrored high speed SCSI disks.
Installed is SuSE 8.2 with Samba 2.2.8a RPM, XFS filesystems and LPRng as
printservices. Server acts as PDC and WINS server.

Clients are W2K SP2 (a few with SP3). There are +/- 100 clients.

We see a server that is 100% busy and we see during a long time a very high CPU
load (60- 95%) related to one W2K client. When this smbd process is finished (can
take more then an hour) or killed there is a very big change another client behaves
the same way.

The server is in use for one week now. The first days the server didn't have any
problems as far as we know.
We think -- but are not sure -- the problematic behavior of a W2K client starts
during a login because the files in use are related to connecting to the printers and
reading the printerdrivers.

In the logfile we see quite a lot of lock problems:
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[13838]: [2003/06/30 10:31:54, 0]
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[13838]:   request_oplock_break: no response
received to  oplock break request to pid 15915 on port 37496 for dev = 811, inode
= 130892307, file_id =  252
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[3002]: [2003/06/30 10:31:54, 0]
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[3002]:   request_oplock_break: no response
received to  oplock break request to pid 15915 on port 37496 for dev = 811, inode
= 130892307, file_id =  252
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[3208]: [2003/06/30 10:31:54, 0]
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[3208]:   request_oplock_break: no response
received to  oplock break request to pid 15915 on port 37496 for dev = 811, inode
= 130892307, file_id =  252
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[3389]: [2003/06/30 10:31:54, 0]
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[3389]:   request_oplock_break: no response
received to  oplock break request to pid 15915 on port 37496 for dev = 811, inode
= 130892307, file_id =  252
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[24402]: [2003/06/30 10:31:54, 0]
Jun 30 10:31:54 ux-254 smbd[24402]:   request_oplock_break: no response
received to  oplock break request to pid 15915 on port 37496 for dev = 811, inode
= 130892307, file_id =  252

Below an example of top and smbstatus:

top - 09:56:49 up 9 days, 12:00,  2 users,  load average: 1.26, 1.25, 1.36
Tasks: 157 total,   3 running, 154 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  39.2% user,  60.8% system,   0.0% nice,   0.0% idle
Mem:    255960k total,   228220k used,    27740k free,      112k buffers
Swap:   514072k total,    31172k used,   482900k free,    95540k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  Command
15915 xxx      25   0  3168 2828 2268 R 91.9  1.1  22:58.51 smbd

Samba version 2.2.8a-SuSE
Service      uid      gid      pid     machine
user         user     groupid 15915   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:30:18 2003
user         user     groupid 15977   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:31:38 2003
applicatie   user     groupid 15915   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:30:21 2003
applicatie   user     groupid 15977   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:33:16 2003
docs         user     groupid 15915   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:30:21 2003
profile      user     groupid 15915   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:30:03 2003
print$       user     beheer   15915   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:30:30 2003
netlogon     user     beheer   15915   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun
30 09:30:17 2003
docs         user     groupid 15977   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:33:16 2003
IPC$         user     groupid 15915   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:30:20 2003
user         user     groupid 15915   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:30:21 2003
IPC$         user     groupid 15977   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun 30
09:31:43 2003
netlogon     user     beheer   15915   w00a0245751e0 ( Mon Jun
30 09:30:19 2003

Locked files:
Pid    DenyMode   Access      R/W        Oplock           Name
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/UNIDRVUI.DLL   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/TTFSUB.GPD   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/xxui3a.dll   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/XCWFAX32.EXE   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/UNIDRV.DLL   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/xxpcl3a.ini   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/STDNAMES.GPD   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/XCWFAX.HLP   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15977  DENY_WRITE 0x20        RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/apps/usr/pmail.v4/cl32.dll   Mon Jun 30 09:33:24 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE             BL   Mon Jun 30
09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/xxwm3a.dll   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     LEVEL_II         ùL   Mon Jun 30
09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/XCWCAS32.DLL   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/UNIDRV.HLP   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15977  DENY_NONE  0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/apps/usr/pmail.v4/winpm-32.dat   Mon Jun 30 09:33:23 2003
15977  DENY_WRITE 0x20        RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/apps/usr/pmail.v4/hts32.dll   Mon Jun 30 09:33:23 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/xxhelp3a.hlp   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/xx44xc3a.gpd   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/PCL5ERES.DLL   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/xxres3a.dll   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/UNIRES.DLL   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/xxxids3a.gpd   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/XCWPBK32.EXE   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15977  DENY_WRITE 0x20        RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/apps/usr/pmail.v4/winpm-32.exe   Mon Jun 30 09:33:22 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/xxuiwl3a.dll   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15977  DENY_WRITE 0x20        RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/apps/usr/pmail.v4/ter32.dll   Mon Jun 30 09:33:22 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/xxresl3a.dll   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20        RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/netlogon/wkix32.exe   Mon Jun 30 09:30:19 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE
/home/holleweg/printers/W32X86/3/XCWPBK.HLP   Mon Jun 30 09:30:30 2003
15915  DENY_WRITE 0x20089     RDONLY     NONE             /home

We restarted the server after changing the smb.conf file; every share we changed
oplocks = no. After the restart the server runs without a problem.

Any idea about the cause of this high CPU load and lock problems?

Met vriendelijke groet/Regards,
R.J. Baart

Marktveldpassage 35c
5261 ED Vught
Tel.: +31 73 6567041
Fax.: +31 73 6573513

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