Hello all. I've set up a Samba server on a Sun E280 box running Solaris 8. The
server is part of a domain. I am having some problems printing. I can setup
the printers on the Windows NT workstations using the Add Printer wizard. 
However, when I try to print I get inconsistent results. After installing the 
printer the workstation has to be restarted (sometimes more than once) before
anything (test page or otherwise) prints. In some cases the print job sent 
to the printer goes into a black hole and sits in /tmp. In other instances 
the print job gets printed under the banner 'nobody'. The name on the banner 
page is not the username (eg. dtheodor in my case). Sometimes it prints 
perfectly. This is rather inconsistent and is currently the only obstacle to 
deploying the server into production. If anyone has any ideas as to how to 
stabilize printing they would be most welcomed and truly appreciated.

BTW: One other thing. Sometimes when one navigates to the server in Windows 
Explorer and double clicks on it in the left pane. The descriptions (as per 
the the comment defintion in the conf file) for each share does displays 
'nobody' wherever a variable (%u, %g) should have been translated. Again this
is not consistent....any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your help/suggestions! The following is my smb.conf.

# Global parameters
   netbios name  = hornbill
#   server string = Samba %v on Netbios (%L), DNS hostname (%h)
   server string = Library's %L
   workgroup     = domain name
   local master  = no
   allow hosts   = x.x.x.x y.y.y.y
   security      = domain
   browsable     = yes

   password server = eagle starling sparrow
   machine password timeout = 314496000
   remote announce = valid address
   wins server = valid wins server name

#  force Samba to bind only to hme0
   interfaces    = x.x.x.x/
   bind interfaces only = yes
   socket options = SO_KEEPALIVE TCP_NODELAY
#   dead time     = 15
   dead time     = 0

#  Encrypt all passwords stored in /usr/local/samba.private/smbpasswd
   encrypt passwords = yes
   username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/nt-names
   smb passwd file   = /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd

#  not allowed to log in
   invalid users = root daemon bin sys adm lp listen sshd\
                   erl webspirs samba rob jan daulton 

   writeable     = yes
   guest account = nobody

#  Debug Logging information
   log level = 3
   log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
   max log size = 5000
   debug timestamp = yes

#  printing stuff
   printing      = SYSV
   load printers = yes
   use client driver = yes
   printer admin = dtheodor

# ---------------------------------------
# Home Directory
# ---------------------------------------
   comment = %u
   path = /files1/user/%g/%u
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
#   guest ok = yes

# ---------------------------------------
# Departments
# ---------------------------------------
   comment = %g
   path = /files1/user/%g
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   read only = no
   guest ok = yes

# --------------------------------------
# All department shares
# --------------------------------------
   comment     = All Departments
   path        = /files1/user
   browseable  = yes
   writeable   = yes
   guest ok    = yes
   hide files = /lost+found/
   valid users = @libsys dtheodor

# ------------------------------------
# Shared directory for each department
# ------------------------------------
   comment = %g Shared Directory
   path = /files1/user/%g/common
   guest ok     = no
   read only    = no
   create mode  = 0770
   writable     = yes
   browseable   = yes
# --------------------------------------
# shared directory for ALL staff
# --------------------------------------
   comment     = Library staff shared directory
   path        = /files1/user/common
   browseable  = yes
   writeable   = yes
   create mode = 766
   guest ok    = yes
# ---------------------------------------
# Applications folder
# ---------------------------------------
   comment = applications folder
   path = /files1/apps
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   create mask = 0775    
   directory mask = 0775    
   guest ok = yes
   hide files = /lost+found/

# --------------------------------------
# Printer definitions
# --------------------------------------
   comment = Printers
   path = /tmp
   printable = yes
   create mask = 0700    
   browseable = yes
   public = yes
   guest ok = yes
   print ok = yes

----------------------------------- 0 ------------------------------------
Daulton Theodore                  </\    Tel: 613-520-2600 ext. 8352
Carleton University Library       _\\    Fax: 613-520-2750            
Systems Department                `/     Net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---------------------------------- ` -------------------------------------
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