For easy reference, the registry changes are as follows. Just put the listed information into the filenames listed and open the file on each client system allowing RegEdit to make the registry changes. You will need to reboot to pickup the changes. After doing this, you will be able to authenticate from the UNIX password information. The Windows system will always prompt for the password for the share even if your password matches because the password is being sent in cleartext across the wire.







windows2k.reg (also XP and 2003)

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanworkstation\ parameters]



On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 05:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You'll need to set "encrypt passwords" option to "no" in the smb.conf file
and hack your win2k client to send passwords in plain text (Local Security
Settings/Local Policies/Security Options/Send unencrypted password ...).
I'm not sure if this is wat you want. You can keep /etc/passwd en smbpasswd
in sync using the "unix password sync = yes" option.

-- Origineel Bericht --
From: "samba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 14:06:12 +0500
Subject: [Samba] authenticate from /etc/passwd

Hi All,

I want my samba to authenticate users from UNIX /etc/passwd instead of
smbpasswd file when they access the samba shares from win2k. What parameter

should I define to make it happen.



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