Kristis Makris wrote on Friday, 18 July 2003 10:43 a.m.:
> Perhaps we can compare configs. I'm running bind for DNS and have
> "wins support = yes" on the samba3 pdc to run a WINS server. 

In my case, the Samba server is just a member server and not a domain
controller, and WINS is disabled. Our DNS is served from a Windows 2000
SP3 server, rather than BIND.

> I was
> not pushing down through dhcp a WINS server IP or node type (nor was
> one hard coded in each client), but I just set that and I'll let you
> know if that makes a difference.    
> Are you setting a WINS server on each client machine or through dhcp ?

To the best of my knowledge, we aren't using WINS. I don't see a
particular need for it when DNS is available (but I may be mistaken -
perhaps this is the problem?). The Windows machines that I am using to
connect to the Samba machine are running Windows 2000 Server SP3 and
have static IPs.

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