Markus Amersdorfer wrote:

On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 17:56:48 +0200
Thomas Dewar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Thomas!

I'm pretty new with all this ... but I know that you can configure
samba with the ldap module by doing :
./configure --with-ldap
But how do you proceed with apt from Debian as the only module which concerns samba is :
apt-get install samba.

To be precise: "samba" is not a module but a package (which depends on other packages such as "samba-common" itself).

it is probably a small silly question but thanx for your help

I'm currently writing a Debian-LDAP-HOWTO (will be available from my homepage within the next weeks or so) with more thorough explanations of how to do what and when - including Samba. Nevertheless, the answer to your question boils down to something like:

Samba 2.2 can only one method at a time: keep the users in local flat
files (default) or keep them in an LDAP-tree. To change from one to the
other you have to recompile. Debian defaults to the default :) in this

You need to get the Debian source packages for Samba:

Add sth. like the following to /etc/apt/sources.list
 deb-src woody main contrib non-free

and run
 apt-get update
 mkdir ~/samba-source
 cd ~/samba-source
 apt-get source samba
 cd samba-2.2.3a
 vi debian/rules
   --> add "--with-ldapsam \" just before "--with-msdfs"

The last command will either build the packages or complain of some
build-dependencies you have to meet. "apt-get install" these packages
(it tells you) and run dpkg-buildpackage again.

 cd ..
 dpkg -i samba-common_2.2.3a-12_i386.deb samba_2.2.3a-12_i386.deb

You'll probabely also install smbclient, smbfs, samba-doc and whatever
else you might find useful.

Last but not least: set the packages to HOLD status (so that they won't
be replaced by Debian's packaging system with the next upgrade) and
_keep track of security issues_ yourself from now on (as the packages
won't be upgraded automatically).

Here are some add-ons: Include /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/examples/examples/LDAP/samba.schema.gz in your LDAP's configuration.

smbpasswd -w $LDAP_BINDPW

thanxs for paying attention to my problems but smbpasswd doesn't work : no matter how I change debian/rules by adding --with-ldapsam (or even --with-ldap) I keep on getting the same error which is :

-w not available unless configured --with-ldap

what have I done wrong?
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