Hi - I'm having trouble trying to get "Point'n'Print" working.
I (think I?) have set it up as per the HOW-TOs but here's what happens...

I login as "root" in the "MAXP" domain to the client (gservxp).   I use
"Network Neighbourhood" to navigate to the server (lambada).  I then open
up "Printers and Faxes" - just for info, the Add Printer wizard is there.
At this point, the following message gets logged for the client (gservxp):

        [2003/07/25 09:03:48, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(252)
          gservxp ( couldn't find service

I then right-click any one of the many printers shown and I get a pop-up
box entitled "Printer Properies" containing the text "Printer properties
cannot be displayed. Operation could not be completed <OK>"

I include the version numbers, configs, etc. below - any help greatly


Samba Version 2.2.8a
XP Pro (Version 2002) SP1

######### START OF (extract from) smb.conf #############################

# Global parameters
#       debug level = 3
        server string = "Samba server [%v]"
        workgroup = MAXP
        netbios name = lambada
        security = user
        encrypt passwords = yes
        log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
        os level = 65
        domain master = yes
        local master = yes
        preferred master = yes
        wins server =
        name resolve order = wins bcast
        password server = *
        syslog = 3
        domain logons = yes
        domain admin group = @smbadmin
        logon path = \\%N\profiles\%u
        logon drive = H:
        logon home = \\%N\%u
        printer admin = @smbadmin, root
        printing = lprng
        load printers = yes
        show add printer wizard = yes
        use client driver = no

        comment = All Printers
        path = /var/spool/samba
        printable = yes
        browseable = no
        public = yes
        guest ok = yes
        read only = yes
        writable = no

        comment = Printer Driver Download Area
        path = /samba/printers
        browseable = yes
        guest ok = yes
        read only = yes
        write list = @smbadmin, root

######### END OF smb.conf #########################################

Permissions and ownership of /samaba/* (smbadmin is a Unix group which
includes "root"):

<1138-138>lambada# ls -l /samba
total 28
drwx------    2 root     root        16384 Jun 24 10:39 lost+found
drwxrwxr-x    2 root     smbadmin     4096 Jun 24 10:40 netlogon
drwxrwxr-x    3 root     smbadmin     4096 Jul 24 15:47 printers
drwxrwxrwt    5 root     root         4096 Jul 21 14:38 profiles

<1139-139>lambada# ls -l /samba/printers/
total 4
drwxrwxr-x    2 root     smbadmin     4096 Jul 24 15:07 W32X86

Steven Salvini - Computer Officer    email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
School of Math & Computer Sciences   phone  (+44) 131 451 3418
Heriot-Watt University               fax    (+44) 131 451 3732
EDINBURGH EH14 4AS Scotland          URL http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~salvini/

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