On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Marcus Schopen wrote:

> John H Terpstra wrote:
> > On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Marcus Schopen wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>I read  Volker Lendecke's *great* Samba book, but can't find an answer
> >>to the following question:
> >>
> >>is it possible to hide, but read and write to files in a share? I'm not
> >>talking about "hide files", because these files are still viewable on
> >>windows (if option is set on client).
> >>
> >>The "veto files" option seems just to denie the access, so these files
> >>are not read and writable anymore.
> >>
> >>I'm looking for something that is like apache's browseable option for
> >>directories. You can't see what's in a directory, but can access via URL
> >>_if you know the URL_. Or in other words: I want to share a directory
> >>with read and write permissions, but don't want people to see what's in
> >>this directory. In best case it should look like an empty directory, but
> >>still be able to access (read+write) to file like
> >>\\server\share\whatever.txt
> >>
> >>Is that possible and if yes how?
> >
> >
> > Yes. Use Unix file system permissions as you should. Read chapter 13 of
> > the Samba-HOWTO-Collection.pdf file that can be obtained from:
> >
> > http://us1.samba.org/samba/devl/docs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.pdf
> >
> > Basically, you need to set the directory permissions to write and execute,
> > but NOT read. That way the files in the directory will not be listed.
> Hmmm, I set directory setting to chmod 773, but then I can't read or
> write anymore to files in this dir:
> drwxrwx-wx    3 root     root         4096  1. Aug 05:23 .
> -rwxrwxr--    1 root     root         3418  1. Aug 03:44 pool.ini
> -rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root         3418  1. Aug 03:44 pool2.ini
> I connect from windows as a user from group "all other" (-wx). Reading
> pool.ini is not possible anymore, as well as writing to pool2.ini.
> What's my mistake?

I just tried this and found that Windows will not allow word to open the
file because it can not find it does not find the file in a directory
lookup. This seems to be completely limiting.

If this can be done in Windows XP but not in Samba then please file a bug
report on bugzilla.samba.org. Thanks.

- John T.
John H Terpstra
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