Ok folks,
Here is the deal.  I have posted to the news groups several times and gotten
not a single thing.  I have been trying since march to get 2.2.8a working on
sol2.5.1 with winbind to do the authentication but it has failed miserably.
Winbindd starts but fails to create the /tmp/.winbindd/pipe file and bombs
like a daisycutter.  But if I run winbindd like this " truss -aefo /tmp/file
winbindd &"  it creates the /tmp/.winbindd/pipe and runs but fails to
authenticate.  I think this could be the libnss_winbindd.so file failing but
not sure.  Without running winbindd in truss it fails with a broken pipe
imediatly after attempting to connect on port 445 in the log.winbindd.  I
really need some help with this and please dont tell me to upgrade to a
newer version of solaris as this is a constraint established by US MARINE
CORP.  Although I have it working perfectly on solaris 2.7 but i cant use

Philip Clark
C4I Analyst

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