Thank you for sending us email regarding our book "JavaScript for the World Wide Web: 
Visual QuickStart Guide, 4th Edition." We've found that most email falls into one of 
several categories, and we're hoping that this auto-reply gives you the fastest answer 
to your question.

 - The book's website has a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page at 
<>. There's a good chance that your question 
has already been answered there.

 - The book also has an errata page at <>. 
Please check there before reporting an error in the book. Please note that most people 
who are reporting an error in our code actually have typo's in their own. You can 
check this by running our code from the web site at 
<>. If it works from our web site but doesn't 
work from yours, it's almost definitely a typo in your code.
 - Please be aware that some scripts are labeled as only working in certain browsers 
and with certain plug-ins. IE-only scripts aren't supposed to work in Netscape, for 

 - If you'd like us to help you solve a problem with your code, you'll need to send us 
a URL of the problem page. Please do not send us file attachments, as we never open 
them due to the possibility of viruses.

 - If you have a question about a commercial product or a different book, please 
contact the makers of that product or the author of the other book. We can't answer 
questions about Java, Flash, ImageReady, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, GoLive, or 
HTML, to name a few.

 - While the final version of Netscape 6 has come out, it does have several serious 
JavaScript bugs. Rather than coding around them, we're hoping that Netscape will 
upgrade their browser to fix these issues.

 - We aren't currently available to take on consulting projects, due to deadlines on 
our upcoming books.

We still read all the email sent to us, and if your question wasn't answered by this 
response, you should be hearing from us shortly.

Thank you for your support!

Tom Negrino and Dori Smith
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