On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 17:43, Marcus Blomenkamp wrote:
> Hi all,
> to raise the bug vs success ratio i'd like to express my gratitude to all 
> samba members and those who, though not in-core developers, generously 
> supported noobs like me on this mail list. 
> I've set up an environment two months ago and it has run without glitches or 
> tweaks since then. Now as misusing my family as beta testers has worked out 
> so nicely i will deploy an identical setup in the institute i'm working for.
> Samba and OpenLDAP in pair function as single-sign-on provider. All 
> information (passwords, users, mappings etc) is stored in ldap under strict 
> permission policies - all within ldap except the password to access ldap. :) 
> Authentication is handled centrally through samba. Clients are debian woody 
> and windows xp machines joined into the domain. The network is heterogenous 
> itself with some machines sitting on wireless lan. Roaming profiles perform 
> great with only one warning being spit out on the winxp machines: 'cannot 
> find active directory controller' or similar ;)

That's an interesting one - I've not seen that.  Any ideas what triggers

> Unix clients currently suck their uid/gid information directly from ldap as 
> i'm still relying upon NFS for home directory access. I've setup auto-mount 
> smb/cifs home dirs through pam_mount too, however smbfs/cifs seem far from 
> usable in respect of unix specialties such as absolute symbolic links. Has 
> anythind happened in this direction recently? This would definitively be the 
> dot on the i.

Personally, I don't think this is the right way to do it - NFS is a much
better match for unix semantics.    Now, the trouble is securing NFS -
but I think that NFSv4, SFS (www.fs.net) and the like are a better match
for this problem space.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org     http://build.samba.org     http://hawkerc.net

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