I'm having problems getting my iplanet ds 5.1 sp2 working w/ 
samba.  I have a bunch of question but I cant find it in the 
documentation.  I'm running samba 3.0 and have an existing 
ldap server w/ 100K entries.

1.Do you really need all of the attributes in the samba 
schmema.  It sure seems like its going to junk up all my 

2.  Is there any really good documentation out there? 

3.  Why is it that when I use tls I dont bind as the admin.  
When I turn it off then I bind.

4.  I'm having troubles adding users since I already have 
them in ldap.  What is the best way to just add the need info 
into each entry?

5.  When I try to add a user to ldap w/ smbpasswd, it keep 
trying to add the entry to a entry dn: 
SambaDomainEntry=Hostname,dc=temple,dc=edu.  Why wont it add 
it to my people sub-tree.

Thanks in advance

I have many more questions but I cant think of any now. 
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