I included a level 4 log of samba when I tried to print from a 2k pro
client.  I can't find a problem with the log files.  I compiled samba with
the following switches:
./configure \
--bindir=/usr/bin \
--sbindir=/usr/sbin \
--libexecdir=/usr/libexec \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--mandir=/usr/share/man \
--localstatedir=/var \
--with-fhs \
--with-privatedir=/etc/samba/private \
--with-configdir=/etc/samba \
--datadir=/usr/share \
--libdir=/usr/lib \
--includedir=/usr/include \
--with-automount \
--with-smbmount \
--without-winbind \
--with-quotas \
--with-msdfs \
--with-acl-support \

What am I doing wrong.  The problem is with the NT clients not being able to
print.  9x clients can print just fine.  I just don't get it.  Please help

------------------------------------- Level 4 Log
File -------------------------------------

[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 1 of length 137
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBnegprot (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [PC NETWORK PROGRAM 1.0]
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [LANMAN1.0]
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [Windows for Workgroups 3.1a]
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [LM1.2X002]
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [LANMAN2.1]
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(342)
  Requested protocol [NT LM 0.12]
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/negprot.c:reply_negprot(426)
  Selected protocol NT LM 0.12
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 2 of length 203
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBsesssetupX (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(880)
  Domain=[DREAMLAND]  NativeOS=[Windows 2000 2195] NativeLanMan=[Windows
2000 5.0]
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/reply.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(890)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/username.c:map_username(134)
  Scanning username map /etc/samba/usernames.cfg
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/username.c:map_username(168)
  Mapped user win9x to kirby
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/substitute.c:automount_server(183)
  Home server: paint-roller
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/substitute.c:automount_server(183)
  Home server: paint-roller
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/password.c:smb_password_ok(475)
  smb_password_ok: Checking SMB password for user kirby
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/password.c:smb_password_ok(499)
  smb_password_ok: Checking NT MD4 password
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/password.c:smb_password_ok(501)
  smb_password_ok: NT MD4 password check succeeded
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:push_sec_ctx(297)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/uid.c:push_conn_ctx(286)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:get_current_groups(172)
  get_current_groups: user is in 1 groups: 8001
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:pop_sec_ctx(436)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:get_current_groups(172)
  get_current_groups: user is in 1 groups: 8001
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/password.c:register_vuid(336)
  uid 8001 registered to name kirby
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/password.c:register_vuid(338)
  Clearing default real name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/password.c:register_vuid(340)
  User name: kirby Real name:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:chain_reply(991)
  Chained message
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtconX (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/reply.c:reply_tcon_and_X(334)
  Got device type ?????
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/access.c:check_access(318)
  check_access: no hostnames in host allow/deny list.
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 2] lib/access.c:check_access(329)
  Allowed connection from  (
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(736)
  authorise_login: ACCEPTED: validated uid ok as non-guest (user=kirby)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/service.c:make_connection(487)
  Connect path is /tmp
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:push_sec_ctx(297)
  push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/uid.c:push_conn_ctx(286)
  push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:get_current_groups(172)
  get_current_groups: user is in 1 groups: 8001
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:pop_sec_ctx(436)
  pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:get_current_groups(172)
  get_current_groups: user is in 1 groups: 8001
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/uid.c:fetch_sid_from_uid_cache(591)
  fetch sid from uid cache 8001 ->
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/uid.c:fetch_sid_from_gid_cache(667)
  fetch sid from gid cache 8001 ->
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_srvsvc_nt.c:get_share_security(211)
  get_share_security: using default secdesc for ipc$
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(269)
  se_access_check: user sid is
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-5-21-3837280627-2794114217-3368248201-17003
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-1-0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-5-2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-5-11
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/vfs.c:vfs_init_default(123)
  Initialising default vfs hooks
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (8001, 8001) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(334)
  1 user groups:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/vfs.c:vfs_ChDir(574)
  vfs_ChDir to /tmp
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/service.c:make_connection(636)
  sunstar ( connect to service ipc$ as user kirby (uid=8001,
gid=8001) (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/reply.c:reply_tcon_and_X(395)
  tconX service=ipc$ user=kirby
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 3 of length 96
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBntcreateX (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (8001, 8001) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(334)
  1 user groups:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/nttrans.c:nt_open_pipe(542)
  nt_open_pipe: Opening pipe \spoolss.
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/nttrans.c:nt_open_pipe(559)
  nt_open_pipe: Known pipe spoolss opening.
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:open_rpc_pipe_p(143)
  Open pipe requested spoolss (pipes_open=0)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:open_rpc_pipe_p(258)
  Opened pipe spoolss with handle 7376 (pipes_open=1)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 4 of length 152
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=72 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)api_pipe_bind_req:
\PIPE\spoolss -> \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 5 of length 652
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=572 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x45 - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29558 rpc command:
  checking name: \\Paint-roller\Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_lsa_hnd.c:create_policy_hnd(140)
  Opened policy hnd[1] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E
3F  ........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3]
  Setting printer type=\\Paint-roller\Lexmark
  Printer is a printer
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Setting printer name=\\Paint-roller\Lexmark (len=22)
  set_printer_hnd_name: Printer found: Lexmark -> Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:get_printer_snum(377)
  short name:Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(269)
  se_access_check: user sid is
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-5-21-3837280627-2794114217-3368248201-17003
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-1-0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-5-2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-5-11
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] printing/nt_printing.c:print_access_check(4061)
  access check was SUCCESS
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Setting printer access = PRINTER_ACCESS_USE
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 450
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 6 of length 3888
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=3808 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x8 - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29558 rpc command:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:get_printer_snum(377)
  short name:Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] printing/printing.c:print_cache_expired(861)
  print cache expired for queue Lexmark (last_qscan_time = 1066326978, time
now = 1066327334, qcachetime = 10)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] printing/print_generic.c:print_run_command(88)
  Running the command `lpq -Ukirby -PLexmark' gave 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] printing/printing.c:print_queue_update(435)
  0 jobs in queue for Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 6556
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 7 of length 63
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBreadX (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/pipes.c:reply_pipe_read_and_X(239)
  readX-IPC pnum=7376 min=2764 max=2764 nread=2764
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 8 of length 3888
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=3808 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x8 - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29558 rpc command:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:get_printer_snum(377)
  short name:Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 6556
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 9 of length 3888
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=3808 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x8 - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29558 rpc command:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:get_printer_snum(377)
  short name:Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 6556
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 10 of length 3888
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=3808 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x8 - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29558 rpc command:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:get_printer_snum(377)
  short name:Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 6556
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 11 of length 652
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=572 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x45 - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29558 rpc command:
  checking name: \\Paint-roller\Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_lsa_hnd.c:create_policy_hnd(140)
  Opened policy hnd[2] [000] 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E
3F  ........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3]
  Setting printer type=\\Paint-roller\Lexmark
  Printer is a printer
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Setting printer name=\\Paint-roller\Lexmark (len=22)
  set_printer_hnd_name: Printer found: Lexmark -> Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:get_printer_snum(377)
  short name:Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(269)
  se_access_check: user sid is
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-5-21-3837280627-2794114217-3368248201-17003
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-1-0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-5-2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] lib/util_seaccess.c:se_access_check(273)
  se_access_check: also S-1-5-11
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] printing/nt_printing.c:print_access_check(4061)
  access check was SUCCESS
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Setting printer access = PRINTER_ACCESS_USE
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 450
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 12 of length 3888
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=3808 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x8 - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29558 rpc command:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[1] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:get_printer_snum(377)
  short name:Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 6556
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 13 of length 3888
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=3808 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x8 - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29558 rpc command:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[1] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_spoolss_nt.c:get_printer_snum(377)
  short name:Lexmark
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 6556
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 14 of length 124
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=44 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7376
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7376)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x1d - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29558 rpc command:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[1] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[1] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[1] [000] 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_lsa_hnd.c:close_policy_hnd(197)
  Closed policy
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 15 of length 96
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBntcreateX (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/nttrans.c:nt_open_pipe(542)
  nt_open_pipe: Opening pipe \spoolss.
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/nttrans.c:nt_open_pipe(559)
  nt_open_pipe: Known pipe spoolss opening.
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:open_rpc_pipe_p(143)
  Open pipe requested spoolss (pipes_open=1)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:open_rpc_pipe_p(258)
  Opened pipe spoolss with handle 7377 (pipes_open=2)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 16 of length 152
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=72 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7377
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7377)api_pipe_bind_req:
\PIPE\spoolss -> \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(846)
  Transaction 17 of length 124
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 15952)
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(119)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(520)
  trans <\PIPE\> data=44 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(334)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:get_rpc_pipe(990)
  search for pipe pnum=7377
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(296)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "spoolss" (pnum 7377)free_pipe_context:
destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_request(1165)
  Doing \PIPE\spoolss
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1190)
  api_rpcTNP: api_spoolss_rpc op 0x1d - api_rpcTNP: pipe 29559 rpc command:
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4]
  Found policy hnd[0] [000] 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 26 DD 8E 3F
........ ....&..?
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 4] lib/util.c:dump_data(1549)
  [010] 50 3E 00 00                                       P>..
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_lsa_hnd.c:close_policy_hnd(197)
  Closed policy
[2003/10/16 13:02:14, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:free_pipe_context(444)
  free_pipe_context: destroying talloc pool of size 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:21, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:21, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(511)
  Closing connections
[2003/10/16 13:02:21, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:21, 3] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(677)
  sunstar ( closed connection to service ipc$
[2003/10/16 13:02:21, 3] smbd/connection.c:yield_connection(48)
  Yielding connection to ipc$
[2003/10/16 13:02:21, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_sec_ctx(329)
  setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
[2003/10/16 13:02:21, 3] smbd/vfs.c:vfs_ChDir(574)
  vfs_ChDir to /
[2003/10/16 13:02:21, 3] smbd/connection.c:yield_connection(48)
  Yielding connection to
[2003/10/16 13:02:21, 3] smbd/server.c:exit_server(545)
  Server exit (Caught TERM signal)

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