On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am using Samba on a Debian GNU/Linux box.
> I am trying to create a netlogon.bat file that will execute whenever
> a user logs in to the domain.  However, I am getting a strange error message on the 
> client workstations.
> The following is the netlogon.bat:
> echo Setting Current Time...
> net time \\xavier /set /yes
> echo Mapping Network Drives to Samba Server Xavier...
> net use Z: \\xavier\home\samba\profiles\%U
> __________________________________________________
> However, I get the following error messages when the user
> logs in to the domain:
> Setting Current Time...
> C:\Documents and Settings\jared>net time \\xavier /set /yes
> Current time at \\xavier is 10/17/2003 1:51 PM
> System error 1314 has occurred.
> A required privilege is not held by the client.

By default MS Windows NT/2KX/XP systems do NOT allow normal usres to reset
the system time. To permit this you must use the appropriate tool n your
Windows client to assign the privilidge to set the system time to Domain

- John T.

> C:\Documents and Settings\jared>echo Mapping Network Drives to Samba Server Xavi
> er...
> Mapping Network Drives to Samba Server Xavier...
> C:\Documents and Settings\jared>net use Z: \\xavier\home\samba\profiles\U
> System error 67 has occurred.
> The network name cannot be found.
> _________________________________________________________________________
> Here is my smb.conf:
> Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
> Id: smb.conf,v 2002/03/13
> #Global Settings =======================
> [global]
> #basic server settings
> workgroup = wolverine
> netbios name = xavier
> server string = Samba PDC running %v
> domain logons = yes
> #PDC and master browser settings
> os level = 64
> preferred master = 64
> local master = yes
> domain master = yes
> #security and logging settings
> security = user
> encrypt passwords = yes
> log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
> log level = 2
> max log size = 50
> #user profiles and home directory
> logon home = \\%L\%U
> logon drive = Z:
> logon script = netlogon.bat
> logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
> #keeping user accounts in sync
> unix password sync = yes
> passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
> passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *Retype*new*UNIX*password* %n\n 
> *Enter*new*UNIX*password* %n\n *Retype*new*UNIX*password* %n\n *passwd: *all* 
> authentication*tokens*updated*successfully*
> #setting up the time server in order for clients to sync w/ server
> time server = yes
> #===============shares=======================
> [homes]
> comment = Home Directories
> browseable = no
> writeable = yes
> [netlogon]
> comment = Network Logon Service
> path = /home/netlogon
> read only = yes
> browseable = no
> write list = jared
> [profiles]
> path = /home/samba/profiles
> writeable = yes
> browseable = no
> create mask = 0600
> directory mask = 0700
> To me, it looks like everything should be working, but apparently, I am unable to 
> sync the time with the Samba server, and I am unable to map the drive automatically.
> Is there anyone that might have an idea about what to do?  I would appreciate it!

John H Terpstra
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