On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Thron Havens wrote:

> I know what everyone is busy and there are a lot of requests here but can
> someone give me any ideas why I can't get private shares to work? Right now
> I get prompted with a logon and password but I cannot connect. Under my
> share config I have used "user(s) = user-name" valid users = user-name" and
> "username = user-name" None of them will let me in.

Have you tried "valid users = 'user_name'"?

- John T.

> I'm running samba 2.5 on a FreeBSD box using winbind to do authentication
> with my PDC/BDC and I'm able to configure global shares that everyone on the
> NT network can access.
> SMB.conf
> workgroup = domain-name
> netbios name = comp-name
> server string = comp-name
> security = domain
> log file = /var/log/sambalog.%m
> encrypt passwords = yes
> local master = no
> os level = 0
> domain master = no
> preferred master = no
> wins support = no
> wins server =
> wins proxy = no
> dns proxy = no
> log level = 3
> max log size = 100000000
> load printers = no
> winbind uid = 10000-20000
> winbind gid = 10000-20000
> winbind enum users = yes
> winbind enum groups = yes
> winbind separator = .
> winbind use default domain = yes
> template homedir = /usr/share/%U
> template shell = /bin/false
> password server = *
> name resolve order = hosts lmhosts wins bcast
> nt acl support = yes
> [share]
> comment = temporary file space
> path = path
> browsable = yes
> read only = no
> public = yes
> printable = no
> writeable = yes
> [temp]
> comment = another share
> path = /usr/report
> username = user-name
> browsable = yes
> read only = no
> #public = yes
> printable = no
> writeable = yes
> Pam.conf
> auth                  required            pam_nologin.so
> no_warn
> auth                  sufficient           pam_winbind.so
> auth                  sufficient           pam_opie.so
> no_warn no_fake_prompts
> auth                  requisite            pam_opieaccess.so        no_warn
> allow_local
> #auth                sufficient           pam_krb5.so
> no_warn try_first_pass
> #auth                sufficient           pam_ssh.so
> no_warn try_first_pass
> auth                  required            pam_unix.so
> no_warn try_first_pass
> # account
> #account           required            pam_krb5.so
> account             sufficient           pam_winbind.so
> account             required            pam_unix.so
> # session
> #session           optional pam_ssh.so
> session              required            pam_permit.so
> # password
> password          required            pam_permit.so
> Thanks
> Thron

John H Terpstra
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