On 4 Nov 2003, at 15:26, Dustin Rue wrote:

> Sounds like a networking problem and I'll attack it as such.
> Can you ping the Samba server from windows?  How about from Windows to
> the Samba server?  You of course must be able to talk to the Samba
> server and the Samba server must be able to talk to the Windows
> machine.

> > I have not gotten any help what-so-ever and would really like to get
> some...sometime soon! Thank you! As i stated before...I want someone
> to walk me through setting up windows to access my samba server which
> is at a remote location. the samba version on the remote server is
> 2.2.8a and the version of windows im currently using is windows 2000
> professional. every time I try to connect to by doing \\domain\test\
> (replacing domain with my domain name) or \\ip.address\test\

Be sure to do

net use \\domain\test

without trailíng slashes. Your pathes above will not work

Heinrich Mislik

Heinrich Mislik
Zentraler Informatikdienst der Universitaet Wien
A-1010 Wien, Universitaetsstrasse 7
Tel.: (+43 1) 4277-14056, Fax: (+43 1) 4277-9140
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