
>Guten Tag CarstendotLoeffler at commanddotde,>
>am Montag, 17. November 2003 um 16:43 schrieben Sie:>
>CLcd> Stefan, thanks for your ongoing support. I believe your
>CLcd> is German as well but I will go on writing in English so everybody
>CLcd> can participate
>So it is, I am from Austria.
>CLcd> % What do your logfiles tell you when you try this? Set loglevel to
>CLcd> % and look that up.
>CLcd> Good idea. I did not know that there are any logfiles.
>CLcd> Can you give me a hint how to switch them on or switch
>CLcd> them to level 2? Thanks.
>Look into your smb.conf. Look for the option
>log level =
>Set it to
>log level = 2
>if it ain´t that already.
>Also look for
>log file =
>to find out where the log files are written to.
>Usually this is something like /var/log/samba/log.smbd or
>Reading those files will tell us much more about what´s going on.

OK. I will try to do this tomorrow.

>CLcd> % Off topic: Why not use Linux w/ Samba as backup-server?
>CLcd> Yippie. I was wondering how long it might take before this question
>CLcd> will come up. Yes, I did. And: the other way around may work (see a
>CLcd> little later in that mail).
>CLcd> BUT: I HAVE TO USE WINDOWS. (to many arguments in this company to
>Acknowledged for now.
CLcd> % Can you create a db-backup-file on a local partition of that
CLcd> Not yet anymore. The db exceeded the 50 % limit of the harddrive 2
CLcd> ago. Right now the only backup I can do is on tape. This is not
CLcd> working as well; but that's a different story. But before that date
CLcd> (it was shortly after installation of the db) we made a backup on
CLcd> harddrive. That worked out fine. With samba I've created a share on
CLcd> LINUX to access the backup's folder and we were able to squeeze the
CLcd> 55 GB out of the box. But that option is not available to me anymore.
>Can you use a NFS-share to dump your db to? Just to verify NOW.
>btw, which part of the process gives you the "filesize exceeded"?
>And how is the SAP-backup done exactly? I assume it is using some kind
>of tar...
>Which version of tar are you using? Upgrade to the latest (or some
>newer one) and try again.

Ive tried NFS as well. Same situation but it stops at a different
size; I think it was 2 GB (4 GB with Samba)
I dont know which process gives me the "filesize exceeded"; how
can I find out? I get this if try to use a "cp" (copy) with a
file larger than 4 GB exactly in that Moment when it reaches the
magic border. In case of using SAPDB I get an error from the
database saying "Broken Connection". When I examine the datafile
already backed up on the Windows box it has - surprisingly - again
the magic filesize.
I think that SAP Backup uses some kind of "internal TAR" because in
case running SAPDB under Windows there is no OS-driven "TAR". But
may be you are right. Right now I dont know how to figure out.
Anyway: I cannot tell SAPDB to use a different TAR. Ive already
thought about using STAR.

CLcd> Stefan, do you think there may be a "switch" in the kernel, or
CLcd> something with my GLIBC? I've found some people telling others to
CLcd> create a new kernel with a new GLIBC?!?! I dont know if that really
CLcd> makes sense. In my eyes I would have made more sense to choose a
CLcd> newer version of SAMBA.
>I don´t KNOW this exactly but your kernel seems to be young enough to
>support that.
>Could be that your ext2-subsystem is too old to support.
>Please try logging first, report to the list.

OK. But to let you know: I'm using EXT3. At home Ive tried REISERFS
and there it happened too.

>If this doesn´t lead to something useful, we can trace the ext-path
>CLcd> I'm trying to keep my head up. With Linux books .... ;-)
>that´s the way to learn.

Neverending Process...    ;-)

>Stefan G. Weichinger
>mailto:monitor at oopsdotcodotat

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