Hi, first thank for this answer :o)

What do you meen by : 

You must have the posixAccount LDAP definition in the LDAP directory. 
Having it /etc/group won't help at all... That's why you have a «No such 
object» error in Samba logs.

I've just used your example :

dn: cn=domusers, ou=Group, dc=bpinet,dc=com
cn: domusers
gidNumber: 513
displayName: Domain Users
memberUid: firstmember
memberUid: secondmember
description: Utilisateurs du domaine
objectClass: posixGroup

by replacing variables with mind and the result is still the same :o(
when entering command : net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=users
even if i'm using Domain Users or domusers

argh don't know where looking for

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