Craig White a Ãcrit :

On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 09:24, StÃphane Purnelle wrote:

Craig White a Ãcrit :

On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 09:12, StÃphane Purnelle wrote:

On Mon, 2003-12-22 at 07:46, StÃphane Purnelle wrote:

dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=Groups,o=Mullen,c=US
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: sambaGroupMapping
gidNumber: 513
cn: Domain Users
description: Netbios Domain Users
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-3186189368-1246494298-1334198317-513
sambaGroupType: 2
displayName: Domain Users

dn: cn=root,ou=Group,o=Mullen,c=US
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: root
gidNumber: 0

I see in this desciption that root is in sub-tree ou=Group and Domain Users is in sub-tree ou=Groups, it's normal or not ?

Yes, that is how I thought it was supposed to work.

Thus all of the group info migrated from /etc/group went into ou=Group

and all of the group info migrated from and
hence-forth via LDAP assignments went into ou=Groups


And in your smb.conf what group suffix have you specified ?
moved top post to bottom for continuity...

      ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
      ldap user suffix = ou=People
      ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers


Ok, I think that is the problem, samba try to modfiy group "root" and cannot midify because is in ou=group.
Samba search in ou = groups
Can you try your command after moved

dn: cn=root,ou=Group,o=Mullen,c=US
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: root
gidNumber: 0


dn: cn=root,ou=Groups,o=Mullen,c=US
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: root
gidNumber: 0

added new record cn=root,ou=Groups,o=Mullen,c=US (left the other in

close but still didn't work

# net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=root
net: ../../../libraries/liblber/decode.c:500: ber_scanf: Assertion
`((ber)->ber_opts.lbo_valid==0x2)' failed.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] migration]# net groupmap modify
sid=S-1-5-21-3186189368-1246494298-1334198317-512 ntgroup="Domain Users"
unixgroup=root type=domain
net: ../../../libraries/liblber/decode.c:500: ber_scanf: Assertion
`((ber)->ber_opts.lbo_valid==0x2)' failed.


Why you use net groupmap modify, if the first groupmapping of root group, I must use
$ net groupmap add sid=S-1-5-21-3186189368-1246494298-1334198317-512 ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=root type=domain

If it don't work, I think you can put a bug in bugzilla.
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