On Sun, 2003-12-28 at 21:54, JACOB OUAKNINE wrote:
> I currently run Suse 9 Personal. I'm trying to set up
> Samba to share files with windows XP. So far, I'm able
> so see my windows box from Suse but not Suse from XP. 
> I have been  trying to set up the samba server  but
> can't find it In the KDE Gui. Does anyone knows how 
> to set up  the samba server in Suse9? All i could find
> was the client.
> Do i have to install it? When samba is installed,
> isn't the server installed with it?
> I have used RedHat 9 and was quickly able to set it
> up. Suse9 is all new to me. 
> Can anyone please help? 
> Thanks a million.
Check out SuSE firewall/security. Turn it off for a second and try


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