Dear all

We've been running sucessfully a 2.2.8a Fileserver, member of our NT domain, authentication with winbind, on a Solaris box. As I've experienced stability issues with winbind and some minor problems with missing unicode support, I'm very happy that these problems hopefully will be gone with version 3.

Now I noticed, that it seems not to be possible any longer to have an add user script creating homedirs on the fly without a local user repository (smbpasswd or LDAP and PAM), which worked just fine before. The problem might also be the missing support for in Solaris.

In the archives I found this discussion:
So there seems to be some disagreement within the developpers, whether the old behavior should be restored or not...

I think there should be at least some sort of workaround, letting this configuration (security = domain) create homedirs on an automated base.

Anybody found the trick?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Paul Coray
Administrator Server und Netzwerk

Oeffentliche Bibliothek der Universitaet Basel
Schoenbeinstrasse 18-20
CH-4056 Basel

Tel: +41 61 267 05 13
Fax: +41 61 267 31 03


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