Question - Can the Mac users write to the share if you open a terminal
(shell) on the Macintosh and just copy files with the cp command?  I don't
have a Mac readily available at the moment but if you just go to a shell
and type mount it will show you the path to where the Samba share is
mounted on the Mac.  Then just see if you can copy a file there with the
cp command.  If so I think you are up against the same problem I've been
making noise about since mid summer - the ability to copy files from the
shell but not in the Finder.

Maybe if we get some more voices speaking up like yourself and
consequently some more data points as to what might exactly the problem
might be somebody can figure out the fix.

Tom Schaefer

On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 14:01:52 EST

> I have a different Samba and Mac OS 10.3 question. I have a small
network in > my office with a Linux box acting as a file server, mostly
Windows XP clients, > and a couple of Macs. When I create Samba shares on
the Linux box, I have no > problem getting my Windows XP users to be able
to read and write to the > shares. The login name and password on the XP
boxes are the same as the > corresponding Linux AND Samba usernames and
passwords -- and all users are in the same > common group called "writers"
> From the Mac, however, it's a different story. Mac users can mount the
Samba > shares and gain READ access, but they are UNABLE TO WRITE to the
shares. > Again, the Mac usernames and passwords are the SAME as the
corresponding Linux and > Samba usernames and passwords. 
> Is there something that I have to do on the Mac to allow users to write
to > the common shares? 
> By the way, I'm using Samba 3.0.0. I'll upgrade to 3.0.1 when there's a 
> Mandrake rpm. 
> Here's my smb.conf file:
> [global]
>    workgroup = WRITERS
>    netbios name = WRITERSPACE
>    server string = WRITERSPACE %v 
>    map to gues = Bad User
>    log file = /var/log/samba3/log.%m
>    max log size = 50
>    printcap name = cups
>    dns proxy = No
>    wins support = Yes
>    printer admin = @adm
>    printing = cups
> [homes]
>    comment = Home Directories
>    read only = No
>    browseable = No 
> [printers]
>    Not relevant here
> [print$]
>    Not relevant here
> [pdf-generator]
>    Not relevant here
> [InProgress]
>     comment = Stories
>     path = /home/raid/InProgress
>     write list = @staffwriters
>     read only = No
>     guest ok = Yes
> # Option 1 Use the following line to make all new files editable by all
users> #   inherit permissions = yes
> # Option 2 Use the following two lines to make all new files editable by
all > users
>      create mask = 0775
>      directory mask = 0775
> # Option 3 Use the following 2 lines to get Mac users to be able to
write to > directory as well as PC Users
> #   force user = theboss
> #   force group = staffwriters 
> I would prefer to use Option 2 or maybe Option 1 but they don't seem to
work > with the Mac. Option 3 does give Mac Users read/write access, but
there are > reasons why I don't want to use it.
> Any ideas about getting the Macs to cooperate with Option 2 or 1? 
> Thanks in advance
> Andy Liebman
> -- 
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