sorry, misdirected it and klicked too early on "send".. :-(

----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  ----------

Subject: Re: [Samba] MS Word and Samba File Permissions Problem
Date: Dienstag, 27. Januar 2004 17:16
From: Alexander Goeres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Collen Blijenberg (MLHJ)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Collen,

Am Dienstag, 27. Januar 2004 15:25 schrieb Collen Blijenberg (MLHJ):
> Had the same prob with 3.0.0 version, but it's gone with 302rc1
> creator group & creator owner are the prob..
> some how the 300 version added an extra group to my shares (creator group)
> and made it r+x causing the prob.
> just update to latest samba, or make an extra creator group mapping..
> dunno.. prob passsed...
> l8r
> Collen

thanks for the hint, but I for myself don't dare to use a release candidate.
But I'll see forward to a final verion of 3.0.2..



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