At 6:11 PM +0100 2/17/04, Adrian Gschwend wrote:
Setting up the Linux and Solaris clients to use LDAP is not really a
problem. Connecting AD to LDAP looks much more complicated, after one week
of testing and experimenting it gets quite annoying ;)

Yeah this is totally OT.

SunONE has a sync tool for AD... there are some other meta directory products out there. Last I looked, though, OpenLDAP's back-meta wasn't up to this.

There's no point in religous wars about what's open and what's not. The point behind LDAP is that the standard is open- Who cares what's behind it... AD speaks LDAP, and AD makes an OK LDAP server for Unix hosts. If you have to support a lot of windows clients, it's the best choice right now, until someone comes up with a replacement.

Mac OS X Consulting and Training
Michael Bartosh
Denver, CO

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