I have this section on smb.conf :

  comment = Public area
  path = /pub
  public = no
  writable = yes
  read only = no
  valid users = fabio leo
  preserve case  = yes
  create mode = 0760

When, from win2k a directory is creadetd there it get owner:group the 
same of the user that access, but i cannot change from windows the 
group. (actually i would like to change fabio leo in admingroup, where 
admingroup is an unix group)
How to change smb.conf so any file/directory created there is created 
fixuser:admingroup or even user:admingroup (fix user and fix gropup 
are a fixed uid, valid for every user ...)
Leonardo Boselli
Nucleo informatico e Telematico 
Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile
Universita` di Firenze
Via Santa Marta 3
I-50139 Firenze
+39 055-4796-431
+39 348-8605-348
fax 055-495-333

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