Read "Implemeting CIFS", freely avaiblable in the web. =)
On Fri, 2004-03-05 at 14:00, Linux Lover wrote:

> I apologize up front for re-posting this, but I need
> to find a solution to this problem. I have been having
> hard time to believe that there isn't one person among
> the SMB gurus that doesn't know how a W2K client
> connects to an SMB server. So, if you happen to know
> even the slightest hint to this baffling problem, I
> would be forever grateful.
> OK. Here goes (original subject line was: "Why does a
> W2K (pro) client do more than it is asked to do?")
> Desperate to find out why connecting to a samba
> share(on an AIX server) from W2K is so slow, I tried
> connecting to the same share from a Linux box, using
> smbclient:
> smbclient \\\\aixserver\\sharedir$ -U lynn
> The results were amazing. The connection was so MUCH
> FASTER then connecting from a W2K (pro) workstation:
> \\aixserver\sharedir$ (in the Start|Run edit box)
> When I examined the samba log files on the server, I
> could see why.
> The log file for the Linux client contained a single
> entry:
> [2004/02/23 11:55:35, 1]
> smbd/service.c:make_connection(636) linuxbox
> ( connect to service sharedir$ as user
> lynn (uid=21776, gid=1) (pid 125438)
> So clean, so elegant, so beautiful! :)
> OTOH, the log file for the W2K client contained an
> entry similar to the above, but was immediately
> followed by about 30 messages of the form:
> [2004/02/23 11:59:03, 0] smbd/password.c:user_ok(683) 
> rejected user nobody:3004-302 Your account has
> expired; please see the system administrator.
> Now... my question: Why? What does the W2K client do
> that triggers this barrage of rejected authentications
> of a user 'nobody' (that is clearly not allowed to
> enter)?
> More importantly, is there a way to configure EITHER
> the W2K client or the Samba server (or both) to not
> waste time on these unallowed accesses?
> Since smbclient produces such a clean entry, I would
> assume the fix must be on the client side (W2K) only.
> But I would take any advice. :)
> Please note that I am not allowed (in my corporate
> environment) to enable the guest account on this
> machine. Therefore, the solution must not involve
> enabling the guest account (if there is such a
> solution).
> My smb.conf global section has security=user (actually
> no 'security' entry, it simply takes the default,
> which is 'user').
> The settings of the share are:
> [sharedir$]
>   comment = %h shared dir
>   path = /home/shared
>   valid users = +sambagrp techsup
>   browseable = No
> That's it. Any other settings are implied by taking
> the defaults. User account 'lynn' is a member of the
> group 'sambagrp' and as you can see from the original
> posting, it successfully authenticates from both a W2K
> client and a Linux client. 'techsup' is a special user
> account (may or may not be a member of 'sambagrp').
> I hope this can give further clues to solving the
> mystery.
> Thanks in advance,
> Lynn (Samba 2.2.8a on AIX 5.1)
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