According to the documentation, Samba 3 supports account lockouts (ie:
bad password attempt 5 times will result in the PDC returning an
NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT message, until the account is manually
reset with pdbedit).

This syntax I'm using appears to be correct, but I'm not actually
getting actual account lockouts:

pdbedit -P "bad lockout attempt" -C 5
- and -
pdbedit -P "bad lockout attempt"
...prints the right response.

So does anyone have account lockouts working with Samba 3 acting as a

I've tried the tdbsam backend without any luck (and building Samba
with MySQL support yields the dreaded "Could not determine network
interfaces" error message).

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Robert Giles
rgiles at mail dot utexas punto edu
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