Andrew Bartlett wrote:

On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 02:17:33PM +0200, Jerome Pramondon wrote:

ok, I knew I could it this way (that suppose I already have users in the directory), but what if I want to have separate entries for users and samba account in the directory ?

Don't do this. Firstly, there is no point - LDAP is about grouping these things togeather, not spitting data apart - and secondly, you can't take advantage of intergration features like this...

Ok, so if I understand you clearly, your advise is :
- first to have a user admin interface to put users in the directory (with inetOrgPerson to access to the userPassword attribute),
- then use the smbpasswd command, which first look for the user in the directory then modify it to be Samba-ready.
Am I right ?

Thanx so much for your help.

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