At 09:01 13/04/2004, you wrote:
Here is an idea..

why don't you map your users to the nobody or guest account ??
(is this possible ??)
so all users are guests...
dunno how to do it, but would be a nice work around..

That wont' work.

However, there's a "pseudo-NUA" workaround: use MySQL-NSS to provide UIDs/GIDs for your user accounts (and groups too!), set shell=/bin/false. I am doing precisely the same with LDAP. No need for /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow entries at all.. and you can share the information between several machines (FileServers only -- you can't have multiple sincronized DCs with MySQL -- use LDAP for that )

Hint: you do need a home directory, which you'll probably want different for each user( something along the lines of /home/sambausers/myvirtualuser would do ), and machines too ( /home/sambamachines or /tmp will do )

John Tersptra: you might be interested in adding this (maybe a bit more elaborated) as a "recipe" in the SaMBa HOWTO Collection / your book.
I wouldn't mind providing a more complete explanation if you think it could possibly be interesting.

Regards, J.L.

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