On Fri, Apr 16, 2004 at 04:38:47PM -0400,  wrote:
> If the connection to the windows box drops while this large cp is
> running, i.e. due to the Windows box rebooting or being shut down, the
> cp hangs unkillably. 

I figured out what was happening more specifically.  My anti-virus
software, PC-Cillin 2002, apparently either shut down the SMB connection
or made it so slow as to be unusable, presumably to give it time to
inspect the files I was trying to upload.

syslog at that time said:

Apr 16 04:00:26 chain kernel: smb_open: chain/home_noras.zip access denied, access=0, 
Apr 16 04:00:26 chain kernel: smb_open: chain/home_nwn_saves.zip access denied, 
access=0, wish=1
Apr 16 04:00:26 chain kernel: smb_open: chain/home_phma.zip access denied, access=0, 
Apr 16 04:00:27 chain kernel: smb_open: chain/home_raladue.zip access denied, 
access=0, wish=1
Apr 16 04:00:28 chain kernel: smb_open: chain/home_rj.zip access denied, access=0, 
Apr 16 04:00:58 chain kernel: SMB server not responding
Apr 16 04:00:58 chain kernel: smb_get_length: recv error = 5
Apr 16 04:00:58 chain kernel: smb_request: result -5, setting invalid

Things got progressively worse, judging from the logs, after that.
Thinking the backups *must* have completed, I turned the machine off the
next morning and things went to hell in a handbasket.

At some point, either when the machine went off or at the first time I
tried to unmount, I also got this:

Apr 16 10:12:38 chain kernel: smb_request: result -104, setting invalid
Apr 16 10:12:48 chain kernel: smb_retry: caught signal


http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~rlpowell/       BTW, I'm male, honest.
le datni cu djica le nu zifre .iku'i .oi le so'e datni cu to'e te pilno
je xlali -- RLP                                 http://www.lojban.org/
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