Eric Heintzberger schrieb:

Thank you for responding to my post.

As for your question, my concern is not that (as you
put it) "the date of last modification [is] the date
of the file". It is, rather, this:

If today I do "cat file.txt" on a text file whose
last-modifiation date is December 23, 2003, I would
not expect "ls -l file.txt" to display April 17, 2004
as the last-modification date.

Similarly, if right now I simply open, then close an
xls file, without saving any changes, I would not
expect its last-modification date to change to now.

The last-modification date should not change as a
result of just reading the file. There would have to
be some writing too.

Are you saying that MS-Excel is designed so that
reading an xls file in MS-excel actually writes
changes to the file, even if the end-user does not
save or auto-save any changes?


--- RRuegner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Eric Heintzberger schrieb:

Hello Everyone!

Perhaps some of you have some advice for dealing


this problem? I've done quite a bit of googling on
this one, but I can't find anything useful.

Ever since I started using Samba as PDC, I have


this problem: when users merely open MS-Excel

files on

samba shares, the file's Last-Modification date


incremented to the current time.

I have seen similar behavior with MS-Word files


ago when using WINNT4 as PDC, and it was caused by


macro-virus, but in this case, it doesn't seem to



If the same Excel file is copied to a user's local


drive, the problem ceases.

The problem of modifying-by-merely-opening began,


think, when I changed the PDC to samba.

I had this problem using Samba 2.7* on RedHat 7.2


a year ago. I'm currently using samba 2.2.8a on
FreeBSD 4.9 with a similar configuration, and I


have the problem.

Is it possible to stop this problem using


configuration parameters in smb.conf?

Here's my smb.conf, in case it's needed:

netbios name = netbiosname
workgroup = workgroup
security = user
domain logons = yes
time server = yes
server string = Samba %v on %L
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 2000

### Security Settings ###
hosts allow = [omitted for this post] 127.
hosts deny = ALL
invalid users = root
;Unreadable files shouldn't even appear
;hide unreadable = yes
;Prevent browsing by default
browseable = no

### Users and Passwords ###
[omitted for this post]

### Performance ###
deadtime = 15
getwd cache = yes
lpq cache time = 45
oplocks = yes
level2 oplocks = yes
#veto oplock files = /*.xls/*.XLS/

### Domain ###
local master = yes
os level = 65
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
domain logons = yes
logon script = %U.bat
logon drive = M:
logon path = \\netbiosname\profiles\%U

# Name Resolution
wins support = yes
wins proxy = yes
dns proxy = yes

# Case
preserve case = yes
short preserve case = yes
default case = lower
case sensitive = no


#Sample Share Definition:

 comment = Client Directory
 path = /usr/local/samba/clients
 browseable = yes
 force create mode = 0664
 force directory mode = 0775
 force group = users
 invalid users = invlink
 map archive = no
 printable = no
 public = no
 valid users = @users
 writable = yes


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hi, theres is detailed info in the official howto
about ms-office,
at last i remember this features are by design of ms
office, and why should not the date of last modification be the date
of the file?
Best Regards

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Oh i understand your problem now,
perhaps its related to stuff in the faq
otherwise i dont know more tips

MS Word with Samba Changes Owner of File
Question: “When user B saves a word document that is owned by user A the updated file is now owned by user B. Why is Samba doing this? How do I fix this?”

Answer: Word does the following when you modify/change a Word document: MS Word creates a NEW document with a temporary name, Word then closes the old document and deletes it, Word then renames the new document to the original document name. There is no mechanism by which Samba can in any way know that the new document really should be owned by the owners of the original file. Samba has no way of knowing that the file will be renamed by MS Word. As far as Samba is able to tell, the file that gets created is a NEW file, not one that the application (Word) is updating.

There is a work-around to solve the permissions problem. That work-around involves understanding how you can manage file system behavior from within the smb.conf file, as well as understanding how UNIX file systems work. Set on the directory in which you are changing Word documents: chmod g+s `directory_name' This ensures that all files will be created with the group that owns the directory. In smb.conf share declaration section set:

force create mode = 0660 force directory mode = 0770

These two settings will ensure that all directories and files that get created in the share will be read/writable by the owner and group set on the directory itself.

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