Hi Sambatistas,
a few days ago there was a discussion, how to force
jobs runas administrator at netlogon.
If you use a default.bat at netlogon this is executed
as the logon user , therefor you are running in rights problems
if you wanna execute job which need admin right like regedit /s .
I found myself in this problem too, pushing
the user to use the logon screensaver as default,
i created a reg key which work but now i had that regedit problem
( also apears if i push my thightvnc password )
i found this tool called cpau which
is a runas replacement which can take the user and password from commandline, also it allows to create full jobs i a crypted textfile
so nobody can see you admin passwords, it work great and is a simply solution for the task.
Please look here for cpau
there are many usefull other tools more there.

if sombody is interested in the
reg key about the logonscreensaver
its like this


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]


Best Regards
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