On Sat, 2004-04-17 at 03:31, Adrian Newby wrote:
> Hello experts,
> Iıll try and keep this brief but detailed (if thatıs possible.).  Iım sure I
> donıt understand the technologies sufficiently but I believe Iım seeing
> counter-intuitive behavior with my Samba 3 setup.  What I want is nice,
> tight Win 2K3 security.  What Iıve got is ADS integration, including domain
> user authentication using winbind, but I canıt get the security level right.
> Problem summary:
> ----------------------
> Samba 3.0.2a on Solaris 9 is configured with ADS security.
> Lanman and NTLM authentication is prohibited.
> Clients requesting NTLMv2 authentication result in NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED,
> even though the log suggests authentication is successful.
> Clients requesting NTLM authentication are accepted and authenticated.
> Also, cannot establish initial SMB session when packet signing enforced.
> (log not provided)

Try all this with a current subversion checkout, or 3.0.3rc1.

The ACCESS_DENIED is because the tree connect appears not to have a
valid vuid (the token returned by a session setup), which is most odd..

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org     http://build.samba.org     http://hawkerc.net

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