Try to make a "tail -f /var/log/samba/log.yourmachine" during the login and take a look to all errors.
You can also try to deinstall your Virusscanner or other Software, who read or write data in the Profile.


John Arthur schrieb:


I'm setting up Samba 3.0.2a & ldapsam in my home lab and everythin appears
to be working correctly except for profiles.


Samba 3.02a

When a user 'debra' tries to logon from a XP system that has joined the
domain she gets the following error message

"Windows did not load your roaming profile and is attempting to log you on
with your local profile. Changes to the profile will not be copied to the
server when you logoff. Windows did not load your profile because a server
copy of the profile folder already exists that does not have the correct
security. Either the current user or the Administrator's group must be the
owner of the folder. Contact your network administrator."

But a server copy of the profile does not exist. It is created when she
tries to log on.

The profile folder  before she tries to logon
[EMAIL PROTECTED] profiles]# ls -la
total 12
drwxr-xrwt    3 root     Domain Admins     4096 Apr 24 09:09 .
drwxr-xr-x    4 root     Domain Admins     4096 Apr 22 23:04 ..

The profile folder after she's logged on. [EMAIL PROTECTED] profiles]# ls -la total 12 drwxr-xrwt 3 root Domain Admins 4096 Apr 24 09:09 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root Domain Admins 4096 Apr 22 23:04 .. drwx------ 2 debra Domain Users 4096 Apr 24 09:09 debra


logon path = \\RHO\profiles\%U
       # chmod 1757 /opt/domain/profiles
       path = /opt/domain/profiles
       writeable = yes
       browseable = no
       create mask = 0600
       directory mask = 0700
       profile acls = yes
##        csc policy = disable
       # next line is a great way to secure the profiles
       force user = %U
       # next line allows administrator to access all profiles
#        valid users = %U "Domain Admins"

[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# pdbedit -Lv debra
Searching for:[(&(objectClass=sambaDomain)(sambaDomainName=FOXY))]
smbldap_open_connection: connection opened
ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server
Searching for:[(&(objectClass=sambaDomain)(sambaDomainName=FOXY))]
smbldap_open_connection: connection opened
ldap_connect_system: succesful connection to the LDAP server
init_sam_from_ldap: Entry found for user: debra
Unix username:        debra
NT username:          debra
Account Flags:        [U          ]
User SID:             S-1-5-21-1668551638-3811399965-3946081115-3002
Primary Group SID:    S-1-5-21-1668551638-3811399965-3946081115-513
Full Name:            Debra Smith
Home Directory:       \\RHO\debra
HomeDir Drive:        H:
Logon Script:         ""
Profile Path:         \\RHO\profiles\debra
Domain:               FOXY
Account desc:         Debra Smith
Munged dial:
Logon time:           0
Logoff time:          Sat, 14 Dec 1901 07:15:51 GMT
Kickoff time:         Sat, 14 Dec 1901 07:15:51 GMT
Password last set:    Fri, 23 Apr 2004 19:37:29 GMT
Password can change:  0
Password must change: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 19:37:29 GMT

Everything else is working.  Debra can logon and access all shares including
her home share it's only the profiles that are not working correctly.

Regards John

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