Sorry of I'm going over old ground ...

We are in the process of putting in a Suse Linux OpenExchange Server (SLOX) which at present includes Samba 2.2.5*. We are also attempting to use this as a PDC for XP clients that we are going to be rolling out.

Now, everything seems to be going down the pan, and it looks like the problem is that XP has dropped support for 'old style' controls and only supports Access Control Lists - so tit seems to log in a user, but then the permissions are all screwed as it can't get the info it wants from the server. Reading the howtos suggests that Samba 3* supports stuff that XP is looking for, but the guy who we've taken on to do the XP stuff isn't convinced - suggesting that even with 'group mapping (is that the right bit ?) XP will still fail.

All I want is for users to have to authenticate against the central database (LDAP), and for the various group memberships to be honoured when accessing files off the server.

Has anyone else dealt with this sort of thing ? Does XP work reliably with Samba 3 as PDC ?

* Why 2.2.5, well it's all down to support and integration. The whole system is supplied and installed as an integrated package - with Samba already set up to use the LDAP database that is begind the groupware stuff etc. The consultants setting all this up say that they have put Samba 3 in there for another customer without problems, but obviously it's not something Suse will support (yet, I guess it'll come during some future upgrade). I think it's a case of selecting packages (and versions) for stability (and the work in integrating any upgrades), rather than being bleeding edge'.

I'm also told that if we have roaming profiles, then the XP machines will store loads of c**p on the server and keep moving it back and forth as each user logs in/out - is this the case ? Is there any way of dealing with it (eg having the machine pull the files down as needed) ?

It's been suggested that since we don't actually have people moving between machines, it would be better not to use roaming profiles (for the reason given above). How esy is it then to have user default to their home directory on the server instead of 'My Documents' ?


PS - any help gratefully received, preferably before my manager starts saying things to the effect of "this wouldn't have happened if you'd stuck with MS".

Simon Hobson, Technology Specialist
Colony Gift Corporation Limited
Lindal in Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LD
Tel 01229 461100, Fax 01229 461101

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