Running Samba 3.0.4 on FreeBSD 5.2.1-p3, built from the BSD ports collection. I've got Samba up and running (as I have numerous times before with great success) and clients can connect, list files, read, rename, delete, etc. When trying to write a file, though, the server disconnects (and, apparently, the forked process that was started for the connection quits with no error). The result is that the file is created on the server, but doesn't get filled and the client reports an error. This happens both when saving a file that's been opened on the server and when trying to copy a new file to the server.

To be more specific, I can create and write files up to about 1.6K in size without any problem at all. Above about 2K, I always get the error. And in between, sometimes things work and sometimes things don't.

If I copy a folder to the server, things proceed until it gets to the first file in the 1.7K+ range and then I get the error. The directory gets created, all files up to that point get copied, and the file it stops on gets created but is empty.

On WinXP, the error message that Explorer gives is "The specified name is no longer available" (obviously, other apps give other errors). Using smbclient from another host, I get "Error writing file: Call returned zero bytes (EOF)" or, in some cases, smblient just exits with no message. Interestingly, when trying to connect with smbclient from the local machine (the host Samba is running on), everything works just fine.

I considered that the problem might be a mistake in smb.conf, but I tried using the smb.conf from another system where Samba's working fine and still get the same problem. I'm actually having this same exact problem on two hosts with identical hardware. The clients I'm using have no problem working with other servers (Samba and XP) on the same network.

I've tried to debug this with a packet sniffer and by turning up the debug level in the server, but in both cases, the output hasn't given me anything that jumps out as being the problem. OTOH, most of it is mostly meaningless to me anyway.

Any ideas?  I can provide packet dumps, logs, etc. if necessary.


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