Hello list
Sorry if this has been answered before, I have had a look around and could not find any answers.
I am running samba 3.0.3pre2 on suse 9.0 - installed from suse rpms.
I have managed to join the 2k3 domain and users are authenticating perfectly and all seems to be working, (users have actually remarked about a speed increase!) although i get this strange message in the log.winbindd:

[datetime, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:winbindd_getgroups(1023)
user 'root' does not exist

This can also be any other linux user that runs anything - i get one for postfix just before receiving mail.
Have i done something wrong in nsswitch?
in nsswitch.conf i made the following changes:

passwd: files winbind
shadow: files winbind
group: files winbind

Below is the [edited] general section if smb.conf

   workgroup = MYADDOMAIN
   realm = MYADDOMAIN
   server string = fred
   interfaces =, eth1
   bind interfaces only = Yes
   security = DOMAIN
   password server = SERVER.MYADDOMAIN
   preferred master = No
   local master = No
   ldap ssl = no
   idmap uid = 10000-20000
   idmap gid = 10000-20000
   winbind use default domain = Yes
   admin users = MYADDOMAIN\administrator
   printer admin = MYADDOMAIN\administrator
   read only = No
   ea support = Yes
   hide unreadable = Yes
   store dos attributes = Yes
   dos filetimes = Yes



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