On Fri, 2004-05-28 at 13:59, Sharpe, Annik A wrote:
> Hello,
> We are using Samba to connect our ClearCase server to the Windows environment. Our 
> original configuration was one server hosting all our VOBs and Views. We have Samba 
> configured to allow mapping of shares to our ClearCase Windows Clients. Everything 
> was working fine. Now we have set up a second server to host all our Views separate 
> from the VOBs. So we have a View server and a separate VOB separate. When we setup 
> the View server we installed Samba on that server, copied the config file from the 
> original setup to the new server and the only configuration change made was in the 
> Global parameters, the NetBios Name to be the new server name.
> We are able to map a network drive to our new server. We are able to create a View 
> on the UNIX server, region synchronize on the Win Client side and mount a VOB. 
> However when we try to create a new file we get a window stating "Access Denied." If 
> we try to check out an existing file we get an "Error checking out {filename}. 
> Unable to update view {viewname}: Permission Denied. Unable to check out 
> {filename}." 
> We are able to complete all these steps within the UNIX environment, we are only 
> having problems from the Windows environment and so we are assuming it has to do 
> with our Samba configuration.
> We already know groups, permissions are okay. We've checked credmap against the two 
> servers. Any ideas?
If you already know groups, permissions are okay then that means that
you've checked all the logs, right? syslog as well as all samba logs -
especially the log for the ip/computer trying to connect.


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