AFAIK, you can not obtain what you want with Win98-Clients.
Why? this is a Limitation of Win98.
It does not realy get incorporated into a domain,
it only handles it as a "little bit better workgroup".
And for that does its own authentication stuff
 and does not trust the PDC.
No Mater if the PDC is samba, NT-x or win2k



I have setup a local network where Windows 98
workstations authenticates against a samba
server PDC running on linux, and it is working.

But there is a little annoyance: Windows 98
is handling 2 passwords:

1) the network password (used with the samba PDC)

2) the windows password (used with the Windows

Windows users can change their passwords from
the workstation, but the desktop password is
kept locally. If they change the passwords
in one workstation and then login in another
workstation, the passwords will be different.

I would like to eliminate the need for second
password and kepp only the first. Is it possible?

If not, I would like to keep the desktop
passwords at the samba server. Is that possible?



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