Hi guys

I need help here:

I'm using Samba 3.0.2a serving about 50 win98 clients.

My problem is: 
If a client (win98) create a file/directory accentuated (with ` ' ç ^ ~ ") in Linux I 
see strange characters instead... 
The clients still see the words accentuated without problems, but in Linux server no...

If I create a file, from Linux server, with accents the clients see the file 
accentuated without problems

So I need to make some backups, from Linux server, but like this all files/directories 
accentuated will be stored with strange characters...

I'm using this, in my smb.conf:

    dos charset = CP850
    unix charset = UTF-8
    display charset = LOCALE

I'm no expert in this options, so I need help...
Which option I need to use to resolve this problem ?

My idiom is Brazilian Portuguese.
I already try 'unix charset' and 'display charset' = pt_BR, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 both and 
nothing helps...

I'll appreciate any help.

Thank you

Flávio Henrique
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