On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 01:23:37PM -0400, bastard operater wrote:
>>>>> "BOFH1234" == bastard operater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    BOFH1234> Can samba connect to an NFS share and then re-export
    BOFH1234> that share so my windows XP users can connect to it?
    BOFH1234> Basically I have a NFS share that all of my windows XP
    BOFH1234> users need read-only access to.  The goal of this
    BOFH1234> project is to replace an old MS Gateway Services for
    BOFH1234> Novell server (using IPX) with something that can do the
    BOFH1234> same thing but over IP.  I am pretty sure Novell and AD
    BOFH1234> can share files using Native File Access, but that would
    BOFH1234> require the Novell admins to get CIFS setup on the
    BOFH1234> Novell side.  The Novell server we are using has NFS
    BOFH1234> already setup and getting that much setup was like
    BOFH1234> pulling teeth.

Samba can share any filesystem that the Samba server can see. Your
performance will be degraded because you have the dual overhead of
Samba and NFS, but you can share the filesystem.

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