Hi Barry,

Am 13 Jul 2004 um 8:47 hat B.Rumsey geschrieben:

> Where on win xp can I find the profiles and which part do I need to copy to 
> the samba profiles dir?
(I use a german version of WinXP, so I don't know the eaxct expressions 

You'll find the profiles on Drive C: in the folder such as 'documents and 
settings' you can find folders with profiles for each user. 
Local users have folders labeled with the username, domain users have 
folders with username.domain.
In the folder "Default User" there is a profile for each new user who logs 
in at this machine. It ist used also if a new domain user logs in for the 
first time at this machine.
When this domain user logs out, his local (and temporary) profile ist 
copied to the profile-Directory on the pdc.

To copy a profile to another location you have to do the following steps:

create a local user and install anything (desktop, menus, Icons ...) in 
the way every new user should start with.

Logout an log in as administrator with another account. Start system 
applet from settings->system control.
There is a tab such as 'advanced' or 'extended' (?). In the middle you'll 
find 'user profiles', click on settings-button.
choose profile of the user created in step 1., then click on 'copy to'
click on the button 'change user' and type 'everyone' (or anyone??, what 
ist the expression in enlish WinXP?) into the filed objectname.
Now you have to choose a path to copy the profile to:

If you choose the local path '-> c:\documents and settings\default user' 
this profile acts like described above.

If you choose the '\\samba-server\netlogon\Default User' path to copy to 
any newly created domain user will start with this default profile.

xcuse my bad english, hope it helps

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