
A quick question, to see if anyone could help me out. I have a home
network with two nodes, my laptop and my girlfriend's. I have Debian
sarge with kernel 2.6.6 on my laptop while on my girlfriend's machine is
the Latin American Spanish version of Windows ME.

I am trying to use smbmount to allow me to mount her machine's
Windows file shares. I have set up the shares on her machine, and then
am using smbmount to mount them under Debian. I am able to successfully
mount the shares, however the character sets and codepages seem to be
incorrectly configured. Filenames with non-ASCII characters (such as ó
[o acute] and ñ [n tilde]) get garbled.

Local files with Latin-1 characters in their names display fine on my
terminal. So, I believe that my problem has to do with the codepage and
charset settings that I am feeding to smbmount. I appear to have version
3.0.3 of smbmount.

In my fstab, I am passing the following options to smbmount:


I have all native language support codepages included in my kernel,
which is 2.6.6, as modules. When I start up my machine, the module
nls_cp437 seems to be automatically loaded and used in order to check
and then mount the Windows partitions that I have on my machine.
However, smbmont never seems to actually use any of the codepage
modules. If I change the line in fstab to "codepage=cp850", then
"modprobe nls_cp850" and then mount the windows share with mount (which
then uses smbmount), doing an "lsmod" gives me a line such as the following:
nls_cp850       4864    0

So, it would appear that no matter what option I pass to smbmount, the
corresponding codepage module is never actually used. So, I am not sure
what to do next. I have tried with "cp437", "cp850", "cp852", "cp1250",
"cp1251", and even "utf8". In each of these cases, the corresponding
module never seems to be actually used and filenames with extended
characters display incorrectly from my computer. (As an example, ó [o
acute] gets displayed as a cent sign.) Why is my machine not actually
using any of the codepage modules?

For reference, I am running kernel 2.6.6 and in my .bash_profile I have
the following lines:

set meta-flag on
set output-meta on
set convert-meta off

and in .bashrc I have:

alias ls='ls --show-control-chars'

So, I don't know if there is something missing in terms of my terminal
setup in order to get this to work. My sense is that my problem has to
do with smbmount options and my codepage modules. What codepage should
the Latin American Spanish version of Windows ME use in its file shares?

Thanks ahead of time for any suggestions. I would really like to get
this working, as the file sharing will be useful in doing backups and
generally...sharing files.

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