On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 08:30, luis eduardo muÃoz juÃrez wrote:
> Hi :
> IÂwritting form Mexico city because IÂ have a problem with samba and IÂhope you 
> can help me.
> this is the problem:
> IÂhave a samba server running with RedHat 8 and workstations Windows 2000 
> Professional and they access to this server trough samba. this server contain only 
> folders with files CDXÂs, DBÂs and NET from Delphi to development an applications 
> to enviroment Windows. 
> When a user modified or reindex databases on a folder to  workgroup with permissions 
> to read-write no problem, but when this happend only the user who reindexed the 
> files has acces to read-write on this flies, and the workgroup only have read. 
> this is a part from smb.conf to you check my configuration and if you can help me, 
> could be great..
> [CVS]
>  path = /usr/dev/win/DevCfw/CVS
>  public = No
>  read only = No
>  writable = Yes
>  inherit permissions = yes
>  nt acl support = yes
>  nt smb support = yes
>  create mask = 770
>  force create mode = 0777
>  force user = danielcr,martincg,jorgepc
>  force group = prog_cfw
>  write list = @prog_cfw
>  admin users = danielcr,martincg,jorgepc
>  browseable = No
>  delete readonly =  No
> [Ftes_Lib_Cfw_2-2]
> path = /usr/dev/win/DevCfw/Cfw_2-2/Fuentes_Lib
> public = No
> read only = No
> writable = Yes
> guest ok = No
> write list = @prog_cfw
> inherit permissions = yes
> nt acl support = yes
> nt smb support = yes
> admin users = danielcr,martincg,jorgepc
> create mode = 670
> force create mode = 0770
> locking = Yes
> guest ok = No
> invalid users = @testers,@coorapy,javielm,jesusgg,juancs,darioaa,guadalupemg
> delete readonly = No
> map archive = Yes
> browseable = No
I tend to use 'inherit permissions = yes' rather than create mode/force
create mode.

You have neglected to state which version of samba that you are using
and it may be significant - especially when using it for db's as things
like oplocks might need to be turned off.


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