On Mon, 2004-07-19 at 13:34, abebe lsslp wrote:
> Hey
> Thanks for the help. I think I am about to take you on
> your offer. since you said to ask if I have any
> question, here I am.
> I usually do the installation from the top of my head,
> but I followed
> http://samba.idealx.org/smbldap-howto.fr.html as you
> recommended. I have one big question, which one do I
> put in '/etc/ldap.conf'
> nss_base_passwd dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
> nss_base_shadow dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
> nss_base_group  ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
> or
> nss_base_passwd        ou=Users,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
> nss_base_shadow        ou=Users,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
> nss_base_group         ou=Groups,dc=wbcoll,dc=edu?one
> The idealx howto was not really clear on this one.
> I have posted the problems I have and other detail
> installation steps and configuration files at
> The file are one directory below at
> I am not really using "ldap ssl = start tls" yet. I
> will get to that part after I get the rest of the
> stuff working. 
1 - this isn't a samba question.

2 - you really didn't read the info at idealx since they had used sub
instead of one in the first 2 items

nss_base_passwd         dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG?sub
nss_base_shadow         dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG?sub
nss_base_group          ou=Groups,dc=IDEALX,dc=ORG?one

3 - obviously biting off ldap and samba 3 at the same time is too much for you to 
handle at once. You really should just get ldap up and running, authenticating users 
and then leave it alone. Then you can fool with samba and adjust the samba 
configurations for your already working LDAP. If you keep adjusting both LDAP and 
Samba, you are not likely to make them all work.


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