Wow! The blank logon path worked! Thanks so much!!


On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 06:31, Paul Gienger wrote:
> Michael Lueck wrote:
> >On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 21:31:03 -0500, Paul Gienger wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Rather than monkey with each client, just don't define a [profiles] 
> >>share.  I'll check one of our setups tomorrow, we have a site with no 
> >>roaming there (for now).
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >I did not have a roaming share defined and Win2K put up a fuss that it was
> >missing and assigned a temp one which was erased at each logoff. Not quite the
> >affect of having a local profile.
> >  
> >
> Actually, on that server we also have a blank logon path specified which 
> is populated on the other servers.  This is on 2.2.8, so YMMV, but I 
> would guess it works on 3.0.x.
> >With electronic software distribution managing each client, there is no issue
> >sending out such small registry updates globally... think outside the box and
> >what now seems a challenge becomes very easy.
> >  
> >
> I'm guessing you either use a program that you set up once on each 
> workstation which may or may not be a pay-ware solution.  Some places 
> simply don't have the budget to buy such things.  Also remember, every 
> change you make to a client is one more thing to screw up, although in 
> this case it sounds as if you're doing it automatically.  I guess I 
> personally subscribe to the theory of making the smallest change 
> possible, that is if I can make a simple change to the server that 
> avoids me having to change every client's configuration then at the 
> server it will happen.
> >Michael Lueck
> >Lueck Data Systems
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> Paul Gienger                     Office: 701-281-1884
> Applied Engineering Inc.         
> Information Systems Consultant   Fax:    701-281-1322
> URL:        mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Joshua Ginsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brainstorm Internet Network Operations

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