John H Terpstra wrote:

On Thursday 22 July 2004 14:07, Tom Skeren wrote:

Yes I've seen this behavior a LOT. I've replied to it. For some
reason, the Samba when joined to ads needs to contacted for shares by IP
addy. The XP shares then authenticate properly.

No way, your ADS server is answering on port 445 - the port for netbios-less SMB.

Try \\ipaddy-samba-server\share-name. If you connect, do a netstat -an
on the samba server. You'll see the XP box connected to port 445. I
suspect that in an ads environment, the XP boxes default to connecting
to shares on 445. I suspect smbd, or nmbd are mishandling this when
netbios names are used.

Nope. To avoid this, in your smb.conf [globals] set: smb port = 139

Doesn't work as the XP box is the source of the problem. In the following, all the port 445 requests are from XP boxes. 1/3 of them are part of an ads domain. All the XP boxes try 445 first. However the ADS joined machines always fail to connect, unless 445 is available.

PRiSM# netstat -an
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
tcp4       0     48  x.        y.    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       z.    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       z.      ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       z.    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       z.      ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       z.      ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       z.      ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       z.      ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  192.1w.y.1.22        192.1w.y.2.1876      ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  192.1w.y.1.445       192.1w.y.2.1808      ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       w.    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       w.    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  192.1w.y.1.49161     192.1w.0.1.139        ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       v.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       w.    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       v.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       v.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       v.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       v.     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  x.       y.    ESTABLISHED

- John T.

Rashaad S. Hyndman wrote:

Hi all,

I've been fighting with joining my samba server (debian) to my active
directory domain for 4 days now.  The problem here is that users in my
active directory domain on windows machines are not able to browse my
samba shares without being prompted for authentication.

I can:
- Join the domain from samba server using net ads
- View list of tickets when brownsing window shares with klist
- list window shares without being prompted with "smbclient -k -L

I can NOT:
- use "net use * \\<smb_servername>\share" from window based machine.
(this resultes in "The password or user name is invalid for
\\delshare\public" (delshare being my samba server name)

I have no clue what to do from here. I've looked over my smb.conf file 20
times likewise my krb5.conf file

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've arn out of tests.


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