From: Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It's rather unfair to ask such basic Windows
> Administration questions to this list. This is a samba
> list and there are thousands of books, millions of web
> pages, endless classes and certifications directed towards
> the advancement of the Microsoft Networking model. I would
> think that you would be best served by consulting one of
> them and this list would be better served by helping
> people configure samba into the networking model that have
> chosen.
No misuse of the Samba mailing list was intended.  I have
spent some time reading the Samba3 Howto and Samba3 By
Example books.  These are excellent books which have
answered most of my configuration questions.  With some help
I have setup and have running LDAP/PDC and LDAP/BDC test

I have had difficulty understanding the value of some of the
tools available such as computer accounts (domain logons)
and kerberos for a small network such as mine (75 users on
Netware).  I figure that I should not implement anything for
which I can not plainly understand the benefit and explain
the benefit to my fellow managers at the small company that
I work.

Again, no misuse of the list was intended.  I am only trying
to determine the best way to implement Samba.
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