Hi, i'm using samba 3.0.5 and the roaming profiles take ages to save and to load i just created a user, and it creates the proper windows files in the profiles share
The files are very small so i should be a quick login, but it ins't
Copying files from normal shares is quick, but the login it self is very long
What to do?
I'm using windows 2k with all windows updates
here is my smb.conf
load printers = yes
admin users = @domain_admins
logon drive = H:
domain master = Yes
encrypt passwords = yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/smbpasswd -U %u
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/private/smbpasswd
logon home = \\action\%u
printer admin = @domain_admins
wins support = yes
netbios name = ACTION
printing = cups
printcap name = cups
logon script = LOGIN.BAT
default = global
dos charset = 850
unix password sync = yes
workgroup = COGGAN
logon path = \\%N\profiles\%U
os level = 99
preferred master = yes
local master = yes
security = user
unix charset = ISO8859-1
domain logons = Yes
log level = 3
passwd chat = *password* %n\n *password* %n\n *successful*
passwd chat debug = Yes
time server = yes
server string = Samba %v as PDC
add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -g 106 -d /dev/null -s /bin/False %u
comment = Network Logon Service
path = /home/netlogon
write list = @domain_admins

       comment = Home Directories
       valid users = %S
       read only = No
       create mask = 0664
       directory mask = 0775
       browseable = No

       path = /home/profile
       browsable = no
       writable = yes
       create mask = 0600
       directory mask = 0700

       path = /home/pub
       read only = No
       create mask = 0777
       directory mask = 0777
       public = yes
       valid users = @users @domain_admins
       write list = @users @domain_admins

       path = /backup
       read only = No
       create mask = 0777
       directory mask = 0777
       public = yes
       valid users = @users @domain_admins
       write list = @users @domain_admins

       comment = All Printers
       path = /var/spool/samba
       printer admin = root, administrator, jcoggan
       valid users = @users @domain_admins
       browseable = no
       public = yes
       guest ok = yes
       printable = yes
       writable = no
       path = /usr/quake
       read only = No
       create mask = 0777
       directory mask = 0777
       public = yes
       valid users = @users @domain_admins
       write list = @users @domain_admins
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