Holger Krull wrote:

   Anybody here use the module recycle with samba version 3.0.5!?

   I use with 2.2.8a without problems.

Is this.

I use it. Works fine. testparam goes crazy if it hits the recycle options in 3.0.5.
It isn't a separate module anymore.

Hi Holger,

   Look my smb.conf about recycle:

   ;recyclebin options
      recycle:exclude = *.tmp *.temp *.o *.obj ~$*
      recycle:keeptree = True
      recycle:touch = True
      recycle:versions = True
      recycle:noversions = .doc|.xls|.ppt
      recycle:repository = /home/trash
      recycle:maxsize = 10000000
      create mask = 0777
      directory mask = 0777
      vfs objects = recycle

      comment = Home Directories
      read only = No
      browseable = No
      path = /home/%u
      create mask = 0750
      vfs options = /etc/samba/recycle.conf
      vfs object = /etc/samba/recycle.so

Now, result of testparm:

      # testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[homes]"
Unknown parameter encountered: "vfs options"
Ignoring unknown parameter "vfs options"

      But, in compilation, don't have any erros.

Can you send me the pass how to you configure a recycle in samba 3.0.5!?

      Thank you so much

Ricardo A.

            Ricardo A
       Analista de Suporte

Linux Registered User # 291904

The box said "Windows XP, Windows NT, or better".
So I installed GNU/Linux.

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